Friday, February 15, 2013

References available upon request...

I wish resumes and CVs would have a section that highlights your REAL skills. I think my CV should have the following skill set listed:

  • Holding my purse and a cup of coffee and pressing elevator buttons and changing songs on an Ipod

    Eating over 14 Funfetti cupcakes

    Impersonating Winona Ryder reading Milton’s “Paradise Lost”

    Being the Office D.J. in residence

    Making out to Alcest and Depeche Mode, respectively

    Chugging NyQuil and not falling asleep

    Walking through medieval cities and coming up with reasons to hate on newer ones like Tokyo  simultaneously

    Coming up with animal acronyms like “Secret Squirrel” and writing acrostic poems

    Writing in cursive and drunk texting

    Recommending Netflix movies 

    Dancing like Beyonce in high heels

    Pinterest. Enough said.

    Acting eternally 17 years old and keeping 90’s music alive.

    Surprising people. 

I mean with this skill set, who wouldn’t want me on their  team? Duh squared…

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