Monday, January 28, 2013

V's 2012 Oscar Nominations

In a weird turn of events, neither the Academy or Fangoria magazine asked me to nominate any films for their 2012 awards season. Go figure? Does working on a CBS show amount to anything?!

Well, anyhoo, I won't let that small trifle stop me from sharing with you who I think deserves nominations for Best Film of 2012.

5. Hitchcock
I am not normally a Scarlet fan but I definitely loved her SPOT ON Janet Leigh impression. Moreover, what mattered most to me about this film was the dynamic between Hitch and his TRUE leading lady, Alma Reville. They always say behind every great man is a great lady and I never knew how much of an impact that discerning editorial eye of Alma Reville had on the Hitchcock canon. I can't believe people thought this sucked!

4. The Hobbit
Did you really think I wouldn't include this? Yes, the CGI sucked ass - I totally miss the prosthetics of the orcs and the Uruk-hai but the story line was so good, so reminiscent of the old Scandinavian tales Tolkien was so fond of, that I couldn't help but get lost in the tale. Any true fan would love this film although I can't comment on the 69 frames per second or whatever...

3. Paranorman

Any adult fan of horror should check out this movie which is geared at kids. The beginning sequence is a hilarious commentary on the B-movie slasher/zombie genres and the animation is actually quite good. My favorite? The ghost of the grandmother who vows to never leave her grandson, Norman, and a surprising twist for the jock character at the end of a kid flick.

2. Frankenweenie

 Thank goodness for Tim Burton's feature length reboot of his short film and Winona Ryder lends her voice! I think anyone with a nostalgia for a childhood pet can appreciate this film which brings me to tears each time I watch it. Classic Tim Burton (not cheesy overbudgeted Hollywood Tim Burton), with spiraling striped plants, Dutch references galore and Vincent Price-like characters.

1. Cabin in the Woods

I shouldn't even have to tell you anything about the film I think is the best of the year. By now, you've already seen it and memorized every line and are as obsessed with the wolf t-shirt as I am. And the best actor of 2012 - FRAN KRANZ! Stoners rule!


You didn't know I was going to say this? If you haven't already seen it - hurry up and do it already. I have watched it now over 31 times on Netflix - no exaggeration.

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